Assessing heat vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the context of the Nordic welfare state
Greselin, Alessia (2022)
Greselin, Alessia
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Discussion paper = Työpaperi : 2022_035
Discussion paper = Työpaperi : 2022_035
This paper discusses the importance of considering the Nordic welfare state and, more specifically, the Finnish welfare state as the context for studying vulnerability and adaptive capacity. To do so, I present a brief literature review, including previous studies in the Nordic countries with some examples from other European countries, both on a conceptual and empirical level. Thereafter, I propose a framework for discussing vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the Nordic welfare state. The discussion paper has been developed within the HEATCLIM project, as a part of the WP2 on socioeconomic factors.
- Kirjat [4317]