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Viitteet 1-20 / 3991
10 henkilökohtaista kysymystä alkoholinkäytöstä
(Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, 2004) -
Esitteitä / Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö : 2004:3rus (Ministerstva sotsial'nogo obespecenija i zdravoohranenija, 2008) -
13th Nordic Health Economists' Study Group Meeting : August 20-21, 1992, Kuopio, Finland
(StakesUniversity of KuopioFinnish Society for Health EconomicsStakes ; University of Kuopio ; Finnish Society for Health Economics, 1992) -
25 tunnin vuorokausi : Omaisten kokemuksia elämästä dementiapotilaan kanssa
Raportteja / Stakes : 196 (Stakes, 1996) -
A comparative study on last resort social assistance schemes in six European countries
Tutkimuksia / Stakes = Research reports / National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health : 146 (Stakes, 2004) -
A decision aid and choice of treatment among women with heavy menstrual bleeding
Tutkimuksia / Stakes = Research reports / National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health : 135 (Stakes, 2004) -
A model for the assessment of telemedicine and a plan for testing of the model within five specialities
FinOHTA report / STAKES : 5 (StakesFinohta, 1997) -
A Nordic Meeting on the prevention of Dental Diseases
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön monisteita (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (STM), 2002) -
A survey of Finnish network social welfare and health care projects in the Baltic countries, St. Petersburg, and the District of Leningrad
Themes / STAKES : 2/1996 (Stakes, 1996) -
A theoretical framework for health information systems
Themes / STAKES : 3/2001 (Stakes, 2001) -
Aborter i Norden
Tilastoraportti - Statistikrapport - Statistical Report : 10/1999 (Stakes, 1999) -
Aborttitilasto 1993
Tilastotiedote - Statistikmeddelande / Stakes : 1995:14 (Stakes, 1995) -
Aborttitilasto 1996
(Stakes, 1998) -
Aborttitilasto 1997
Tilastoraportti - Statistikrapport - Statistical Report / Stakes : 13/1999 (Stakes, 1999) -
Abstract book : NGO Forum on Primary Health Care : 30.8.-5.9.1998 Arusha, Tanzania
(StakesSTAKES, International Development Collaboration Unit in cooperation with Ministry for Foreign Affair, 1994) -
Abstract book for the 18th Nordic Meeting in Social Medicine and Public Health
Discussion Papers / STAKES : 5/20071795-6897 (Stakes, 2007) -
Action for mental health : Activities co-funded from European Community Public Health Programmes 1997-2004
(European Communities, 2004) -
Action for Social Change : A New Facet of Preventive Peace-keeping : The Case of UNPREDEP
(StakesUnited Nations, 1996) -
Action plan for social and economic integration in Finland
(Stakes, 1998)