Eläketurvakeskus - Selaus nimekkeen mukaan

    • Pension expenditures, funds and contributions to the year 2050 

      Klaavo, Tapio; Salonen, Janne; Tenkula, Erkki; Vanne, Reijo
      Eläketurvakeskuksen monisteita : 1999:29 (Eläketurvakeskus, 1999)
    • Pension financialization and collective risk sharing in Canada and Finland 

      Liukko, Jyri; Doyle, Aaron; Lehtonen, Turo-Kimmo
      International Social Security Review : 3 (Wiley, 21.09.2023)
      This article contributes to the debate concerning pension financialization and how countries are adapting their pension systems to respond to demographic ageing. We do so by examining the statutory pension systems of Canada ...
    • Pension för arbetstagare och företagare 

      (Eläketurvakeskus, 10.02.2020)
      Den årligen utkommande broschyren innehåller information om pensionsskyddet inom den privata sektorn för arbetstagare och företagare. Den berättar om olika pensionsformer och förutsättningarna för att få pension. Den ...
    • Pension governance in Finland: a case study on public and private logics of governance in pension provision 

      Johanson, Jan-Erik; Sorsa, Ville-Pekka
      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports 2010:2 (Eläketurvakeskus, 19.05.2010)
      The study empirically reviews the administrative practices of the organizational field formed by the Finnish statutory earnings-related pension scheme, and theoretical tools are developed for analyzing the administration ...
    • Pension indicators 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reviews 02/2014 (Eläketurvakeskus, 11.04.2014)
      Katsaus kokoaa yhteen eläkepolitiikan arvioinnin kannalta tärkeimmät indikaattorit. Se antaa tiiviin ja havainnollisen kuvan työurien pituuden, eläkkeiden tason ja niiden rahoituksen toteutuneesta kehityksestä ja tulevan ...
    • Pension indicators 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports 07/2017 (Eläketurvakeskus, 26.10.2017)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension indicators 2014 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reviews 05/2014 (Eläketurvakeskus, 27.11.2014)
      his review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated costs ...
    • Pension indicators 2015 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reviews 06/2015 (Eläketurvakeskus, 04.11.2015)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension indicators 2016 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports 07/2016 (Eläketurvakeskus, 19.10.2016)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension indicators 2018 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 04/2018 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 25.09.2018)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2019 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 08/2019 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 31.10.2019)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2020 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 11/2020 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 20.10.2020)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2021 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 07 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 28.10.2021)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2022 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 08/2022 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 24.11.2022)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension Indicators 2023 

      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Reports : 06/2023 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 11 / 2023)
      This review has compiled the key indicators used in assessing pension policy. It offers a concise and comprehensible overview of the realised development of the length of working lives, pension levels and the estimated ...
    • Pension policy responses to changing division of labour within the family 

      Laitinen-Kuikka, Sini; Tuominen, Eila
      Finnish Centre for Pensions, Working Papers 5 (Eläketurvakeskus, 16.12.2003)
      The developments in women's gainful employment and changes in the pension schemes in the EU countries have been investigated by Sini Laitinen-Kuikka and Eila Tuominen. The project studied the way in which the pension schemes ...
    • Pension reforms, the generational welfare contract and preferences for pro‐old welfare policies in Europe 

      Riekhoff, Aart-Jan
      Social Policy & Administration (Wiley, 14.12.2020)
      This study investigates how various types of pension reforms affect the age‐related policy preferences of different cohorts and whether they reinforce or undermine the generational welfare contract. It uses detailed ...
    • Pension schemes in the making : a comparative study of the Scandinavian countries 

      Salminen, Kari
      Studies : 1993:2 (Eläketurvakeskus, 1993)
    • Pension system design and intergenerational redistribution : applying the Musgrave’s rule in a comparative setting 

      Vidlund, Mika; Väänänen, Niko; Mielonen, Antti; Kuitto, Kati
      Review of sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association : 4 (Akadémiai Kiadó, 06.12.2017)
      This paper focusses on the intergenerational distribution of risk and burden of pension financing in differing pension systems. We apply the Musgrave rule of intergenerational fairness, which proposes a pension system to ...
    • Pensioners’ subjective economic well-being in European countries : comparisons behind the income satisfaction paradox 

      Palomäki, Liisa-Maria
      Studies : 04/2018 (Finnish Centre for Pensions, 18.06.2018)
      This study expands the research on the relativity of financial satisfaction in old age by taking into account contextual and longitudinal aspects. With multilevel and longitudinal analysis methods, this study looks at how ...